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Café MOC, Istanbul



Posted July 11, 2016 by

MOC_0496 MOC (Ministry of Coffee), is a spacious coffee shop in Istanbul’s Nişantaşı, a posh residential area and one of the best shopping districts offering an excellent choice of international and local designer labels .

Although there are shelves of books, magazines and newspapers that you can take and read in the very comfortable upstairs lounge, MOC’s real claim is to be one of the representatives of the ‘third wave of coffee’ movement that is dedicated to the highest form of culinary appreciation of coffee.

MOC_resizedTrue to their aspiration, they offer on-site micro-roasting and barista training, serve an extensive range of coffee specialities as well as displaying and selling various blends of freshly roasted beans. Coffee lovers can participate in MOC’s workshops and trainings to expand their knowledge of coffee.

We learnt that one of the founding partners, Sam Çeviköz has lived in Australia for many years and worked as a trainer in the Australian Speciality Coffee Association and Speciality Coffee Association of Europe.

As expected, all sorts of sibilant sounds emanating from elaborate and complicated looking machines and wonderfully robust coffee aroma meet you as soon as you enter MOC.

MOC_0498It was a rainy Saturday afternoon when we passed by and the place was packed. So, don’t expect to find a quiet corner where you can sit and read undisturbed, especially during the weekends!

Go there with your lap-top early in the morning and you can work (free wi-fi) whilst sipping a cup of freshly brewed coffee of your choice.

Go there to challenge your taste buds with one of their unusual combinations.

Address: Teşvikiye Caddesi, Şakayık Sok. No:4/A, 34365 Şişli, Istanbul

Tel: +90 212 234 4465

Opening daily from 8:00 till 23:00

@mocistanbul /

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