The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – Agatha Christie – 1926

Posted by guillermo maynez on 1/7/2014, 12:05:35
After a half-year reading mainly about WWI, and then “Du Cote de chez Swann”, I took a break and read what is supposed to be Agatha Christie’s “masterpiece”, “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd”. It is a very charming, simple mystery novel, but written with grace and skill. The main point here is that the ending, of which of course I will reveal nothing, is extraordinary and projects the novel to a different level, compared to other pulp of the same kind (or so I think). It was a welcome weekend (world-cup weekend!) entertainment, and although I don’t plan to read more Christie, at least for a long time, I enjoyed it for what it is.
Posted by Sterling on 1/7/2014, 21:03:11, in reply to “Agatha Christie”
I’ve read very little Christie. The traditional “Golden Age” British whodunnit holds minimal interest for me. I have, however, read both “Roger Ackroyd” and “And Then There Were None.” I enjoyed both, although I thought TMoRA much superior. It does have a corker of an ending (which incidentally I actually guessed. This is rare since I don’t have a great love of puzzles, so I do not usually try all that hard to guess the murderer.)
Posted by joffre on 2/7/2014, 11:29:34, in reply to “Re: Agatha Christie”
Maybe I’ll read Roger Ackroyd sometime when I need something light. I read Murders of the Orient Express which, at least at the time, seemed to me the most famous one. I read somewhere that And Then There Were None was Christie’s best, and I read it about three years ago here in B.A. Both were entertaining enough.
I might actually read Roger Ackroyd soon. I decided I wanted to reread Thus Spoke Zarathustra and really put in the effort to follow and understand it. Wanted some lighter reading for when I sit and read for a long time in the morning. I chose Trollope’s Barchester Towers, but so far I find that kind of dull.