The Witches of Eastwick – John Updike – 1984

Posted by Joffre on 29/12/2014, 11:44:35
I finished up TWoE. It was one of the more enjoyable things I’ve read lately. Their games of tennis were amusing. There were some hilarious one liners like, “I noticed you doing a lot of c*ksucking in some noble cause.”
Posted by Sterling on 29/12/2014, 21:05:35
I’m glad you enjoyed TWoE. I really love Updike, although I’ve read only a small percentage of his enormous body of work.
Posted by Lale on 2/08/2016, 18:46:30
I had mixed feelings about this book. While some parts were certainly amusing, and the social commentary–when I got it–was valuable, the fact that none of the characters were relatable in any way made the book less attractive for me. Wow, the number of kids these women had! And their neglect! I don’t know if this book was about empowerment of women (as it is sometimes described as a “feminist” novel) or, on the contrary, it demeaned women.
The 1987 movie with Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, and Michelle Pfeiffer had little to do with the book.